(First published in Personal Finance Professional, Autumn 2020) “Listen up class, here are the subjects that will come up in your mocks,” is how the FCA’s Dear CEO letter to IFA firms back in January should be read. No precise detail but enough to get ready. And whilst the announced suitability review has been
Exams are coming!
Listen up class here are the subjects that will come up in your mocks’ is how the latest Dear CEO letter to IFA firms should be read. No precise detail but enough to get ready. As background the FCA is seeing an increasing number of cases where the actions of firms are resulting in
“Very impressive” – DD|hub one year on
We launched on 5 February 2019 with high hopes – both DFMs and advisers had been telling us what a hassle it was to respond to and process due diligence requests, so DD|hub was launched to bring DFM due diligence into the digital age. One year on, and adviser reactions have been fantastic – many
How does PROD differ from previous regulations and how ready are advisers for PROD?
Client segmentation is critical now that PROD sets out rules on selecting investment services for clients. Here’s an approach to consider.
“Research” -v- “due diligence” – What’s the difference?
We often hear about the need to undertake research and due diligence on the products and services recommended to clients, but what does that mean in practice? Specifically, is undertaking research the same as due diligence, or are the two different? And this is an important question, because there is confusion in the market about