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Another Dear CEO Platform letter, but what does it mean for advisers?

The FCA have concerns - do you?

On 28 September, investment platforms received a “Dear CEO” letter, following previous letters in February 2020 and July 2021. It was addressed to platforms, but what does it mean for advisers? The FCA uses Dear CEO letters to raise awareness and highlight areas of concern around regulatory compliance and industry practices. This letter raised concerns

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IHT business relief portfolios – looking under the bonnet

As demonstrated by the Dear CEO letter sent to advisers in December, the FCA expects advisers to conduct robust due diligence on the services that they recommend. Nowhere is this more important than with a complex product like IHT business relief portfolios.  (Published on Money Marketing 31/1/2023) Inheritance tax (IHT) is an increasingly pervasive stealth

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IFAs must sharpen provider due diligence under FCA Consumer Duty

(1st published by Citywire New Model Adviser on 10 Feb, 2022 at: https://citywire.com/new-model-adviser/news/ifas-must-sharpen-provider-checks-under-fca-consumer-duty/a237915) Due diligence involves not just looking at the product or service, but also examining the provider and thinking about the risks the FCA has identified. Advisers often call us for help, asking what the FCA actually expects in terms of research and due

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“Scoring” – for better outcomes & robust compliance

Any meaningful due diligence exercise means looking at – and assessing – a lot of information, not to mention evidencing that assessment (in case the FCA or your PI insurers ever ask). Scoring each provider’s responses is a good way of keeping track of and evidencing the process, and also allows easy sharing of your

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“Research” -v- “due diligence” – What’s the difference?

We often hear about the need to undertake research and due diligence on the products and services recommended to clients, but what does that mean in practice? Specifically, is undertaking research the same as due diligence, or are the two different? And this is an important question, because there is confusion in the market about

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