Financial jargon can be hard to keep track of at the best of times and just when you think you’ve gotten a handle on the latest money mutterings, they change all over again. Ethical investing has certainly suffered through its various definition nuances. For many, ethical investing is still seen as an approach where investors
IFAs must remember difference between due diligence & research
As the FCA’s suitability work continues, Chris Jones reminds advisers of their obligations to inform themselves and make informed recommendations You will often hear about the need to undertake research and due diligence on the products and services you recommend to clients, but what does that mean in practice? Specifically, is undertaking research the same
You can’t hide behind a top rating, if you don’t know how it’s made
Not all ratings are created equal. It is advisers’ responsibility to check their sources and make sure grading systems are reliable. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has recently re-highlighted the need for advisers to understand the tools they use. Speaking at a conference in September, FCA director Debbie Gupta urged advisers to ‘consider the limitations